Kids scooter is designed with 3 wheels and also very low to the ground which gives it better stability and makes it easier to balance. With steering designed to be safe, it allows children as young as 2 to easily steer the scooter by shifting their body weight. This makes it a lot more fun for younger kids, getting more into the ride instead of just the kick to propel them forward. The wheels and deck that are reinforced with fiberglass giving it extra strength for going over bumps and general abuse that kids will throw at it.

China Customized Kids Scooter Manufacturers Suppliers - Wholesale Pricelist - WANYU

China Customized Kids Scooter Manufacturers Suppliers - Wholesale Pricelist - WANYU

WANYU is one of the most professional kids scooter manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to wholesale bulk high-grade kids scooter for sale here and get pricelist from our factory. All customized products are with high quality and lo