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How to Make Gil in Final Fantasy XIV

In most MMOs that feature a non-RMT currency, core gameplay rewards players with Gil for their efforts. FFXIV is no exception; dungeons and raid bosses reward Gil, as do the Duty Roulette and the Challenge Log. Having lots of gil is fun and empowering, whether you use it to catch up on gear or stockpile consumables for the endgame. Here are some ways to make gil quickly and safely.


There are a few main ways to make Gil in FFXIV. Questing will get you a decent amount of Gil while progressing through the story, along with side quests and leves. Crafting and farming are also great ways to make gil in the game.

Farming is the most consistent way to make gil in ffxiv quick gil. It involves killing enemies that drop a large amount of loot, and often rewards you with gear, weapons, food and potions for your efforts.

This can be a good way to level up and buy catchup gear for higher end content, or to stockpile consumables in preparation for the next patch. It's important to note that the gil per hour earned can vary on each server and DC due to pricing and market conditions being different. Some resources may be able to accurately spreadsheet profits, but it's always best to test things out on your own. A good place to start is at the beginning of a new patch when items and nodes are brand new and prices are high.


In FFXIV gil is the primary currency used to purchase items, materials, houses and even minions. It can be obtained by doing quests, guildleves, completing duties on the Duty Finder and killing enemies in dungeons. It can also be purchased from NPCs and sold on the Market Board.

Another way to make a lot of gil in FFXIV is through crafting. It is one of the most profitable methods because it is relatively easy to execute and requires little time. However, it is largely dependent on timing; it is best to do this during the first week after a major patch.

Another good FF14 Gil making method involves deciphering Treasure Maps. These are often gathered by Disciples of the Land (Miners, Fishers and Botanists). A successful deciphering of a Treasure Map will yield Taffeta Cloth or Light Steel Plate. Both of these can be sold for a high amount of money on the market board.

Selling on the Market Board

One of the quickest ways to make gil in FFXIV is by selling items on the market board. This is especially true once you hit level 20, when you gain access to your retainers and can start sending them out on Retainer Ventures for a fee.

These ventures can earn you from a small to substantial amount of gil, depending on their complexity and difficulty. You can also buy rumors in the tavern, take on errands, and recruit new units from the Warrior's Guild for gil. You can maximize the amount of gil you make by placing your items on the market during peak hours. This is when other players will be shopping for the best deals and can be undercut by you. Additionally, if you have server-to-server travel enabled, you can visit other servers' market boards and buy their listings to sell for a profit. This is a great way to quickly stock up on gear.


As far as money goes, Gil is one of the most relevant items in Final Fantasy XIV. You use it to buy equipment, craft materials, and explore Eorzea. Its also the currency used to pay for your SeeDs salary, allowing them to deal damage with gil tosses (also known as Zeninage).

Flipping items is a reliable way to make FFXIV Gil without having to grind, farm or craft. It involves purchasing items at a low price and then selling them for more. This method is based on supply and demand, and it requires a bit of research and spreadsheet tracking to make consistent profits. You can increase your chances of making a profit by buying and selling items around major patch releases. During these times, more players will be looking to buy their latest gear. This is an ideal time to sell items for a higher price! You can even snag some rare items that arent often sold at a lower price.
