Botswana Agate Enhances creativity MADNESS, BARENESS, WITCHCRAFT
0631585216 and abstract thinking, stimulates and energizes crown chakra and auric body.
Bronzite Dispels uncertainty and restlessness. Grounding stone, promotes change in a harmonious way.
Calcopyrite Increases memory, concentration, spiritual and physical ability for students.
Carnelian Reproduction, ****uality, menstrual cramps, lungs, asthma, arthritis, creative visualization, stimulates emotions.
Chrysocolla Eases emotional heartache, balances emotions, stimulates creativity, PMS, menstrual cramps, asthma, digestion.
Chrysoprase Balancing of Yin-Yang energies activates and opens heart chakra, compassion, connection with the trinity. Helps to heal a broken heart. Fidelity in business and personal affairs.
Citrine Self-esteem, joy, clear thinking, activates solar plexus, “merchant’s stone”, brings more cash to cash drawer.
Dolomite Relieves sorrow, “everything happens for a reason”, encourages original thinking.
Dumorterite Eliminates stubbornness, patience, stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas.
Elestials “Gift from the Angels” Overcome emotional burdens, activates memory, contains wisdom etc Email:, call: +27631585216