5 yrs - Johannesburg, South Africa.

Botswana Agate Enhances creativity MADNESS, BARENESS, WITCHCRAFT
0631585216 and abstract thinking, stimulates and energizes crown chakra and auric body.
Bronzite Dispels uncertainty and restlessness. Grounding stone, promotes change in a harmonious way.
Calcopyrite Increases memory, concentration, spiritual and physical ability for students.
Carnelian Reproduction, ****uality, menstrual cramps, lungs, asthma, arthritis, creative visualization, stimulates emotions.
Chrysocolla Eases emotional heartache, balances emotions, stimulates creativity, PMS, menstrual cramps, asthma, digestion.
Chrysoprase Balancing of Yin-Yang energies activates and opens heart chakra, compassion, connection with the trinity. Helps to heal a broken heart. Fidelity in business and personal affairs.
Citrine Self-esteem, joy, clear thinking, activates solar plexus, “merchant’s stone”, brings more cash to cash drawer.
Dolomite Relieves sorrow, “everything happens for a reason”, encourages original thinking.
Dumorterite Eliminates stubbornness, patience, stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas.
Elestials “Gift from the Angels” Overcome emotional burdens, activates memory, contains wisdom etc Email: ntorokobaba@gmail.com, call: +27631585216