Gu Zhenren

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Wu Shentong's name is domineering, but in fact,

Wu Shentong's name is domineering, but in fact, he is skinny and sallow, like a sick scholar. In fact, he used to have a strong body with a wolf back and a wasp waist. In a battle, he was poisoned by the blue sky of Long Qingtian. He found a holy doctor to cure him. The doctor touched his chest, his eyes shining, and sighed, "You're too late. The poison has gone deep into your bone marrow.". I save your life and cultivation, but the poison is so deep that it is hard to eradicate it. From now on, every once in a while, you have to come here for treatment. I'll help you get rid of the toxin regularly. It is precisely because of the poison of the blue sky that Wu Shentong has become thinner and weaker day by day, and has become what he is now. I wonder which bewitching master will be my opponent next? Wu Shentong walked in the fog with deep eyes. Just now, of the three options, he chose the road directly ahead. In the inheritance of the dog king, the more later, the more choices. But most bewitching masters, to be on the safe side, choose their dogs. Only when he had to, did he choose to fight with others. No matter how large a herd of dogs is, they are all animals. But with the command of the bewitching master, even the weakest group of dogs will have a certain threat. However, Wu Shentong did the opposite. As long as he could fight with others, he would not choose any other way. In terms of the attainments of the slave way, I am the first-class in southern Xinjiang. In this three-pronged mountain, I am almost the first. There are only two opponents who can threaten me. One is a sorcerer. He is a five-turn sorcerer, and he used to be a slave sorcerer. But Nudao was so resource-intensive that he had to change the genre in the middle of it. The other is Zhang Sansan. "He is a genuine slave master, but his cultivation is not as good as mine." Wu Shentong has a great advantage in the slave way. In terms of qualifications, Zhang Sansan is still his junior. But in this dog king inheritance, even if he meets with the sorcerer, he is not afraid at all. With such a strong strength, of course, he has to give priority to attacking his opponents and eliminate competitors as much as possible. In the end, he was left alone to monopolize the inheritance of the dog king. This is Wu Shentong's shrewd plan. If you count, the next opponent should be the 23rd person I hit. Hum, it's your bad luck to meet me. Wu Shentong snorted coldly in his heart and stopped. Around him, the dogs guarded him in an orderly manner. He gazed at the other side of the mist. Shadowy in the fog, a group of dogs and beasts with blue and rotten skin came out one after another. Oh, it's a cadaver dog. Wu Shentong chuckled. He knew that this kind of dog beast was very useful in the early breakthrough. Because this kind of dog animal can swallow the corpse and speed up the recovery of the injury. But the later the cadaver dog gets, the weaker it gets. Because this kind of dog, the speed is inferior to the telegram dog, the defense is inferior to the armored dog, and the unity is inferior to chrysanthemum Akita dog. Only those bewitching masters who play the role of slaves will be crazy about this useless corpse eating dog. Every other line is like a mountain. If you are not a master of the slave way, Pietra Gray Marble ,white marble slabs, how can you know the profound meaning of the slave way without decades of immersion? Wu Shentong thought of those bewitching masters and smiled disdainfully. But the next moment, his brow furrowed slightly. In the fog ahead, the cadaver dogs are still emerging. This quantity is a little too much. It seems that I have to pay a small price for this victory. Wu Shen Tong Xin Dao. However, soon after, a large number of necrophagous dogs appeared, and different dogs appeared in his field of vision. Chrysanthemum Akita! There are a lot of them, um.. It seems that this man also has some small attainments in the slave way. Wu Shentong nodded faintly. The other side is a combination of necrophagous dogs and chrysanthemum Akita dogs, although the number is relatively large, but in fact the line-ups is fragile. Later, I only need to use a few dogs to charge and assault, and the dogs will disperse in a hubbub, and they will be able to break up and lay the foundation for the victory. "Why, there are hedgehogs on the other side?" Wu Shentong saw the emergence of hedgehogs in the fog. This kind of dog is often covered with sharp spines, and attacking them is to damage themselves. If we say that the armored dog with strong defense is a hard bone. So a hedgehog is a bone with thorns. If you want to swallow a hedgehog, you have to be prepared to be stabbed in the throat. There are so many hedgehogs! It seems that this man is very lucky to be able to incorporate such a large group. Why don't I have such good luck? Wu Shentong sighed and immediately adjusted his tactics. The other side has hedgehog, and I will use the armored dog group as the vanguard later, and arrange the telegraph dog group on both sides. When the time comes to engage, the armored dogs will advance slowly, the two wings will fly together, and the message dogs will outflank the past, then the victory will be decided! However, after the hedgehog, a large number of telegraph dogs appeared in the fog. Wu Shentong's face became dignified. The appearance of the telegram dog group means that his tactics just now are no longer feasible. Because the other side has a fast telegram dog, it can also carry out anti-outflanking. Even the number of telegram dogs is so huge! The more telegram dogs appeared in the field of vision, the more ugly Wu Shentong's face became. In his mind: the other side can have so many dogs and beasts, can not be explained by good luck. Obviously, the other side is also a master of the slave way, has posed a threat to their own. Who is the other party? Could it be the sorcerer, or Zhang Sansan? Either way, it's going to be a tough fight. Tactically, we can only improvise and make temporary adjustments. But fortunately, I still have a trump card! Think of here, Wu Shentong heart must. He glanced toward the center of his main group, where a pack of dogs and animals, about one hundred and twenty of them, lay. These dogs are huge, twice as big as ordinary dogs. It has sharp claws, a broad and thick back, and a nose like a lion. This is a heavy Thai dog. Heavy Thai dogs are comparable to armored dogs in defense. In terms of unity, it is more comparable to the chrysanthemum Akita dog. In the inheritance of the King of Dogs, only a few of the hundreds of dogs can become the main force, and the heavy Thai dog is one of them. Telegram dog, chrysanthemum Akita dog, armored dog, these dogs and beasts, more extreme,Porcelain Marble Slabs, obvious advantages and disadvantages, difficult to rely on. Only dogs like the heavy Thai dog can be relied on. The greater the number, the more powerful the fighting force. Wu Shentong looked at his heavy Thai dogs and was very satisfied.
