Scientists Discover How Corona Virus Is Changing Its Form

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Scientists have discovered in a new study that some mutation of the new corona virus is directed by a protein related to the human immunity system that is helpful in weakening it, but the virus is up against it again.

Scientists have discovered in a new study that some mutation of the new corona virus is directed by a protein related to the human immunity system that is helpful in weakening it, but the virus is up against it again. This finding may be helpful in preparing new vaccines for the elimination of Covid-19.

Researchers, including Alan Rice of Britain’s University of Bath, state that this process is usually accidental when all organisms mutate. The study says that but in the case of corona virus, the mutation process may not be accidental and humans are mutating as a defense mechanism to weaken it.

The study related to the neo-corona virus SARS-Cove-2 has been published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution. Scientists worldwide assessed more than 15,000 virus genomes and identified more than 6,000 mutations.

“We are mutating the virus and attacking it,” said Lawrence Hurst, director of the University of Bath’s Milner Center for Evolution. Researchers found that under the theory of evolution, natural selection or the ‘victory of the fittest’ The corona virus stands up again against the mutation process. This finding may be helpful in creating new vaccines against Covid-19.
