How to Track Down the Misplaced Ark and Obtain the Password to the Mysterious Island

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When you have progressed through lost ark sell gold for money (website link) to a high enough level, one of the end-game islands, which is known as the Unknown Island, will become accessible to you to explore

When you have progressed through lost ark sell gold for money (website link) to a high enough level, one of the end-game islands, which is known as the Unknown Island, will become accessible to you to explore. One of the things that sets this island apart from the others is the fact that the paths on it are never the same from visit to visit; this is one of the things that makes it so unique. It may take you a few tries after you have defeated one of the bosses before you are rewarded with the island soul for your efforts, but it will be well worth it once you have accumulated enough tokens to claim the reward you have your sights set on. When you have finished reading this guide, it is my hope that you will be one token closer to obtaining that reward than you were before you started reading it. Island That Doesn't Have a NameThe behavior of this island, which goes by the name Unknown, is never predictable, which is how it got its name. You won't be able to tell which of the two bosses you'll be facing on this island until after you've found the right path to take to get there.
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On this island, there are two different bosses, and you will have to deal with either one of them at some point. It is not possible to anticipate where the bosses will show up in advance because each boss can have up to four distinct spawn points. As a result of this, it is impossible to defeat the bosses. This island will not only present you with a random distribution of spawn points, but it will also offer you three distinct paths to take, any one of which may bring you face to face with the boss. In addition to the fact that it is possible to retrieve the island's soul, there are also three Mokoko Seeds that have been hidden somewhere on the island. This island can be found either to the north of South Vern or to the southwest of Shushire, depending on the direction in which you are approaching it. When it is drawn on the map, you will find that it is situated to the west of the Wall of Procyon. It is strongly suggested that you acquire some lost ark sell gold for money (website link) ships before you step foot on this island in order to maximize your chances of success.

It is possible that players will not always have access to this island, despite the fact that in the strictest sense, it is not an adventure island. If you consult your Procyons Compass and navigate to the section of the interface labeled "islands," you will be able to determine the times during which you will be able to visit this island. You can even set an alarm by using the stopwatch that is found in the menu that is located to the upper left. This feature is available to you. It is recommended that you disable alerts for everything that you are not looking to do so that the notification for the event that you are waiting for will not get lost in the sea of notifications that you will be receiving. This is done so that the notification for the event that you are waiting for will not get lost in the sea of notifications that you will be receiving. After you have turned off all of the notifications, you will be able to select the activities and times for which you would like to be informed of upcoming events once you have deactivated all of the notifications.


If you choose to receive a notification thirty minutes before the start time of an event, for example, you will get the notification thirty minutes before the event is scheduled to start


  • The emblem of the island whose location is unknownEven though the locations of some islands can be hard to find, as soon as you arrive on this island, you will be able to begin your exploration of the various areas that it has to offer

  • After making the correct choice regarding which path to take on this island, the final boss of the adventure will either be the Beast King of Darkness or the Beast King of Light, depending on which choice you made

  • Both the presence of monkey mobs that you will need to defeat and vine obstacles along the way are telltale signs that you have made the right decision regarding which path to take

  • These obstacles will need to be overcome in order to proceed

  • If either of these bosses is taken down, there is a chance that they will each drop an Island Token as their reward

  • In addition to Focus, a Guardian Stone Fragment, a Destruction Stone Fragment, and Gold, the following types of loot have a chance to drop at random:Players will be able to participate in a group mission known as A Veiled Entity once they have been on the island for three minutes

Players will work together to complete this mission. When there are more people in the arena working together to take down the boss, the challenge will become more manageable. This island, in contrast to others, such as the Adventure Islands, which can only be visited once per day, allows multiple visits throughout the day. Those people who have to repeatedly defeat the bosses that are located on this island in order to obtain the token will be relieved to learn this piece of information. It is recommended that you have reached level 50 and have an item level of 460 or higher before venturing onto this island. Level 50 is the minimum requirement for entering this zone. After you have progressed to the required level, all that is left for you to do is construct your ship and set out into the open water to begin your adventure. After you have obtained the Unknown Island Token, you will be able to move on to other quests on this island, such as finding the location of the hidden Mokoko Seeds or just doing some general adventuring around the island.

These quests will become available to you after you have obtained the Unknown Island Token. Keep in mind that in order to pick up the rewards that are dropped by the bosses, you will need to make sure that your inventory is not completely full. This is a requirement in order to collect the items that are dropped by the bosses. Island Token RewardsYou can exchange your Island tokens for a variety of rewards if you go to Opher on the Lonely Island. He is located in the center of the island. This island can be found in the middle of the East Vern Sea, roughly north-northwest of the city of Anikka, and to the north of the city of Anikka. The value of the rewards increases by a factor of five at each subsequent level, all the way up to ninety-five. There are a total of 19 rewards and over 90 tokens to unlock across all of the islands, which means that it is well worth the effort to obtain these rewards. The Greater Stat Increase Potion can be acquired by spending 5 Island Tokens at the shop.

It will cost you 10 Island Tokens to use the Emote known as "Threaten."Rare wooden compass that comes with 15 island tokens and is available very infrequently. The Greater Skill Point Potion can be acquired by spending twenty Island Tokens in the shop. Golden Moss Turtle is a mount that costs 25 Island Tokens to unlock. The Third Masterpiece Comprised of Thirty Unique Island TokensThere is an Emote called Wave Dance.- 35 Island TokensLuminous Aquamarine (compass upgrade)- 40 Island TokensThe Protection of Gienah, which costs 45 Island Tokens and boosts rapport. Protections (skill rune) - 50 Island TokensThere are 55 different Island Tokens included in the Masterpiece #22 collection.60 Island Tokens are required to obtain The Hidden Map (The Giant Shell's Adventure). The Oceanic Aquamarine resource can be acquired by trading in 65 Island Tokens for it. The structure of the edifice, a statue of the goddess Harmony, costs seventy Island Tokens. This Masterpiece #38 set comes with a total of 75 different Island Tokens. This ship skin, known as the Tortoyk Arong Turtle, can be acquired for the price of 80 Island Tokens.

You can acquire the Secret Map by participating in the Ice Statue of Woman adventure and expending 85 Island Tokens on it. Tidal Aquamarine - 90 Island TokensA total of 95 Island Tokens are required to purchase the Procyon Statue.
