The Elden Ring: Is There a Way to Defeat the Godskin Apostle

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In Elden Ring, players have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one combat with two Godskin Apostles

In Elden Ring, players have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one combat with two Godskin Apostles. One of these encounters can take place on the Altus Plateau, and the other can take place in the Dragonbarrow.

It is possible for the Godskin Apostle to appear alongside its larger companion, the Godskin Noble, in a number of different fights. The Godskin Apostle can be fought in two different locations within Elden Ring. The Godskin Apostle is not the most difficult boss in Elden Ring on its own, but if its second-phase spinning attacks are not avoided, it is possible to be eliminated from the game very quickly. The ability to stagger is one of the key factors that makes this fight manageable for melee players. However, the fight is not as simple as it may seem for ranged builds, as they are required to constantly avoid attacks from the Black Flame while casting spells. You have to track down and defeat these bosses in order to obtain the Godskin Peeler, which is an incredible weapon for thrusting, or if you want to roleplay as a Godskin for some perverse reason.

Where You Can Fight The Apostle With Godskin

In Elden Ring, there are a total of four Godskin Apostles, but only two of them can be fought independently. The Godskin Duo pits players against both the Godskin Noble and Apostle at the same time, whereas the Spiritcaller Cave in the Mountaintops of Giants challenges them to take on a Godskin Apostle first before taking on a Godskin Noble.

Windmill Village, located in the northwestern part of Altus Plateau, is the location of the first solo battle against a Godskin Apostle. You won't be attacked by most of the Midsommar-esque foes if you pass through the village on your way to the Apostle, who is perched high above on a hill. It is strongly suggested that the people who live in Windmill Village practice a ritual in which they offer their victims' skin to the Apostle.

The second Godskin Apostle that can be completed solo can be found in Greyoll's Dragonbarrow, which is in the more difficult northern half of Caelid. It can be located at the bottom of the Divine Tower of Caelid, which is also where players can bring Radahn's Great Rune back to full health. You can get there by hopping over the railing inside the Tower that is close to the Site of Grace that is located at the very top, and then platforming your way down several pillars until you find an elevator that will take you to another Site of Grace that is located outside the door that the boss is guarding. In order to avoid losing runes, it is recommended that you either make use of the Twiggy Cracked Tear or equip a Sacrificial Twig.

Strategies And Advice From The Godskin Apostle
The Godskin Apostle is the taller and leaner of the two Godskin enemies that players face off against in Elden Ring. In comparison to the Godskin Noble, the Godskin Apostle's attacks are more sweeping and have a longer range. It is common for it to rapidly cast Black Flame spells whenever the players go to retrieve their healing flask, so having a distraction at your disposal, such as a Spirit Summon, is extremely helpful in this situation.

There aren't many places to take cover from these long-range attacks in Windmill Village, but in the basement of the Caelid Divine Tower, hiding in an alcove will buy you some time to heal. The Godskins are vulnerable to a limited number of threats, but they can be stunned for an extended period of time and are at risk of falling asleep.

Melee Strategies
The Godskin Apostle is able to move very quickly and can extend its body to engage in close combat even when it is a significant distance away from its target. It has one move in particular that is challenging for melee players, and that move is as follows: when the Godskin Apostle rears back with its twinblade, it then propels itself forward while rapidly spinning the twinblade in all directions. This move is particularly difficult for players who engage in melee combat. If you want to avoid being hit by this, wait for it to turn around and then start running in the opposite direction. If you start running at the exact moment the animation begins, it won't be able to catch up to you and will be vulnerable to attacks for the remaining duration of the animation.

The Apostle is susceptible to damage caused by Bleed and can be reliably stunned by employing an aggressive playstyle. It is recommended to use powerstaging weapons or to wield your primary weapon with two hands for maximum Poise damage if you want to reliably stun this boss. When fighting the Godskin Apostle at close range with two Bleed weapons powerstanced together, you will find it much easier.

Strategies Utilizing Rifles and Casters
As a Ranged or Spell-oriented player, you will have an easier time taking down the Godskin Apostle because hitting them from a distance reduces the number of attacks they have available to them. Instead, the Apostle will mostly rely on Black Flame attacks, which come out much faster than most people expect them to, when attacking from a distance. Think about using the Radagon Icon Talisman to cut down on the amount of time it takes to cast your spells, and choose spells that don't require you to charge them in order to cast them quickly and continue moving around while the Godskin Apostle prepares a Black Flame to interrupt you.

You should use spells like Comet for quick damage, or get close and cast Founding Rain of Stars to continuously deal posture damage and make it much easier to stagger the Godskin Duo with follow-up attacks. They are really good at reacting when the player performs an action, most noticeably while healing.

Cheesing Strategies
The use of Sleep is the primary tactic for bypassing this boss's defenses in this battle. Both varieties of Godskin can be put to sleep with surprisingly little effort, and this tactic will come in handy later on when dealing with the Godskin Duo boss as well. When going up against an Apostle, one of the most effective ways to buy yourself some time is to put the enemy to sleep.

Putting it to sleep allows players to summon a Spirit Ash at the beginning of the fight without the risk of being Black Flamed. However, putting it to sleep can also be useful in the middle of the fight if you need some time to recover and take a breather from the action.

The Rewards That Can Be Obtained By Defeating The Godskin Apostle
There are two Godskin Apostles that must be fought independently: one can be found in Altus' Windmill Village, and the other can be found beneath the Divine Tower of Caelid. Players receive a base reward of 14,000 Runes as well as the Godskin Peeler, a Twinblade with the Black Flame Tornado Weapon Skill, and the Scouring Black Flame Incantation when they defeat the Godskin Apostle at the end of Dominula, Windmill Village. The Scouring Black Flame Incantation causes the Godskin's Black Flame to sweep over the immediate area.

After players have defeated the Godskin Apostle that can be found beneath the Divine Tower of Caelid in the northern portion of the Dragonbarrow, they will receive a base amount of 94,000 Runes as well as the Godskin Apostle Armor Set in its entirety. The Godskin Apostle Armor Set does not grant any special benefits to the character wearing it, but it does make the wearer look menacing. If you take a closer look at Apostle's Robe, you'll see where the Godskins get their name from.
