How to Pick Up and Throw Snowballs in GTA Online: A Guide to Winter Fun

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Discover how to pick up and throw snowballs in GTA Online with our guide, and enjoy the winter fun, festive chaos, and snowball fights during the holiday season in Los Santos.

Snow has returned to GTA Online, turning Los Santos into a chaotic winter wonderland. Players can enjoy the holiday festivities, including the ability to pick up and throw snowballs. For those new to the snowy season in the game, here's a quick guide on how to enjoy the snowball fights.

How to Pick Up Snowballs in GTA Online

To start the snowball fun, players must first put away any weapons. Snowballs can only be picked up when you are unarmed and standing on a patch of snow. Here’s how to pick them up on different platforms:

  • PC: Press G
  • PlayStation: Press Left on the D-Pad
  • Xbox: Press Right on the D-Pad

Each time you crouch to pick up snowballs, you’ll receive three in your inventory. You can carry up to 9 snowballs at once, and there’s no limit to how many you can collect. The snowballs will automatically replace your current weapon when picked up, and you can access them via the weapon wheel. Players obtain best cheap gta accounts boosting services 5 xbox from U4GM to more easily tackle various challenges in the game and achieve a greater sense of accomplishment. Use coupon code "allen" to get 5% off at U4GM.

How to Throw Snowballs

Throwing a snowball works just like aiming and firing any other weapon in the game. To toss a snowball, simply aim it at your target and throw. Players often engage in friendly snowball fights during the festive period, so get ready for some winter chaos.

Be aware that once you run out of snowballs, your character will automatically punch instead of throwing more. Make sure to grab new snowballs before you run out, as punching another player mid-fight can ruin the fun!

Fun Things to Do with Snowballs

Besides engaging in snowball fights with other players, snowballs can be thrown at NPCs, vehicles, and even other players' bikes. Hitting NPCs can make them run, while cars may speed off after being hit. However, be cautious, as snowball fights might attract the attention of the cops!

While not overly effective in combat, throwing snowballs provides hours of festive fun and adds to the chaotic holiday atmosphere in GTA Online.
