How to determine the volume of term paper

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How to determine the volume of term paper

The required number of pages in accordance with methodology is not established, but most often it is set in the methodological instructions or oral recommendations of the teacher. Let's consider with help, how to understand what a “term paper for 30-35 pages” is:

  • Applications are never included in the total volume.

Some topics require huge applications: for example, when developing a program, a code listing can take dozens of pages, this does not free the student from writing the text part. You can also check out topic examples at blog.

  • Structural elements such as the title page, table of contents, and bibliography may or may not be taken into account - in this matter, different universities adhere to different approaches. They are included in the page numbering.
  • Introduction, conclusion and main part always fall within the prescribed scope. The only exception is when the guidelines indicate the requirements not for the total volume of work, but specifically for the volume of the main part of the work. Then only the pages in chapters are counted.

Tips for Complying with Volume Requirements

In order not to have any claims to the volume of your term paper or order it at service, you need to do the following:

  1. Ask your supervisor how many pages there should be in the coursework.
  2. Subtract from the total volume of the pages required for the required structural elements (all except for the main part of the work) - approximately 8 pages (2 pages per introduction, conclusion, list of references, plus the title page and content).
  3. Divide the remainder into the number of chapters and paragraphs: for scientific works, it is recommended to maintain a balance between the component parts, they should not be too different in size. So you will get what the approximate volume of the paragraph of the course work should be. When writing, try to keep it at least approximately.

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