What to pay special attention to when writing a dissertation

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In the process of preparing the practical part of a doctoral dissertation, attention should be paid to the following points:

What to pay special attention to

In the process of preparing the practical part of a doctoral dissertation, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • theoretical data and practice should be connected, not contradict each other. The doctoral dissertation should take the form of a single and coherent, consistent document. The work requires the presence of logical and other connections;
  • the practical part of the doctoral thesis should be prepared by the author at https://writemypapers.company/ based on the information considered in the theoretical part. Also, the practical part of the doctoral dissertation should be based on the application of methods, means, on the use of classifications and hypotheses described in the theoretical part;
  • the most difficult part of the section devoted to practice is the part of calculations and analysis, as well as processing the collected data. With theory, the situation is simpler: it is enough to analyze and study sources on the topic. The author of the dissertation prepares the practical part completely independently without relying on the content of the works of other scientists;
  • in practice, it is necessary to draw conclusions, summing up the results of the research work done.

How to connect theory with practice?

It's simple enough. It is only necessary not to deviate from the information, methods and concepts, as well as the ideas discussed in the theoretical section of the doctoral dissertation.

If I use concepts and methods suggested by other authors, will the work be non-unique?

Any information can be presented uniquely without violating the meaning. The practical section of the dissertation involves the author's independent work based on the methods and ideas proposed by other authors. Its value and uniqueness come down primarily to the proposals made by the author, to the recommendations given by him based on the results of the study. However, these proposals and recommendations need to be substantiated.

How to process the collected data?

Everything is simple here: the data collected as a result of the study must be processed using pre-selected methods. In any case, when processing the results, high accuracy is required, which makes it possible to exclude the possibility of errors and the subsequent proposal of irrational recommendations from https://writemypapers.company/edit-my-paper/ service.

How to prepare and issue conclusions?

Not coping with your doctoral dissertation? Ask for help from https://writemypapers.company/buy-assignment/ experts with writing a dissertation to order! With conclusions, everything is also simple: you need to start from the received and processed data. Based on them, it is necessary to describe the situation, to characterize what the research data allows us to talk about.
Usually, conclusions on the practical part are an independent section. Its design should be dealt with based on the recommendations for preparing a doctoral dissertation.

An example is shown below.
As a result of the research work done by the author and processing of the results, the following conclusions were obtained:

  1. First conclusion.
  2. Second conclusion.
  3. Third conclusion and so on.

General scientific methods

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How to write a practical part of a doctoral dissertation

