Coronavirus Effect: hate comments about China and its people increased on Twitter

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Due to the Corona virus, people from all over the world have started looking at China with inferiority and there has been a 900% increase in hate comments on China and its people on Twitter.

Los Angeles: Due to the Corona virus, people around the world have started looking at China with inferiority, and there has been a 900 per cent increase in hate comments on China and its people on Twitter. Tech startup Israel-based company L1GHT said in its report, "People are spending more and more time on social networks, communication apps, chat rooms, and gaming services, and hate, abusive and snapping comments have increased on these platforms. In fact, the China Corona virus has emerged as the epicenter of the global epidemic. The first cases of Kovid-19 were reported in December in Wuhan, China. 

"According to our data, more hate and abusive comments were made about China and its population ," said the company, which used artificial intelligence to detect harmful content on social networks . At the same time people of Asian descent were also targeted in other parts of the world. "The company study found," Hate tweets used offensive language for Asians infected with the Corona virus and the virus People of Asian descent are being held responsible for the spread. '' 

Reportedly, many people are using racist hashtags such as kungflu, Chinese virus and communist virus. The report said that some media organizations are also working to provoke anger against Asians. It mentions Sky News Australia's video 'China intentionally imposes corona virus on the world'. More than five thousand comments have been received on this video and most of them are hateful. 

The report comes at a time when many human rights groups, activists and leaders in the US have expressed concern over the rise in several racist incidents targeting Asian Americans. Critics say that US President Donald Trump's persistent call for the Kovid-19 virus as a "Chinese virus" has also increased hatred for foreigners.

Edward Morales 5 yrs

Where we going with so much ignorance when the majority of people are ok or good not evil like the government and some politicians all over the world not only China.