July 14: bills handled by Armed Services Committee

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On determined by the Speaker in every case for thought of such provisions as fall at intervals the jurisdiction of the committee involved by the House of Representatives.

The House Committee on Armed Services by the House of Representatives. The bill is sponsored by Rep. mythical being Crow with Doug Lamborn as cosponsor.

Bill H.J.Res.90 titled “Redesignating the Henry M. Robert E Lee Memorial in metropolis National memorial park because the Arlington House National Historic Site” was brought up the  bills Committee on Veterans' Affairs and additionally to the Committee on Armed Services for a amount to be later.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. junior Beyer Donald with Gerald Connolly, Eleanor Norton, Jennifer Wexton as cosponsors. Bill H.R.8379 titled “To need justification for transfer or elimination of flying missions, and for different purposes” was brought up.
