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Cooking: is it worth peeling champignon?

It's finally time to get down to business: what if we tried these delicious mushrooms right now?

Before getting out the herbs and other ingredients, let's take a moment to prepare the champignon: should the stems be removed? Is it worth it to cleanse the skin of the fungus? Should you soak mushrooms before cooking? Can we prepare them ahead of time?

If you bought mushrooms with an buy golden teacher shrooms uncut stem, first cut off the earthy end at the base of the stem.

Then quickly rinse the mushrooms under cold water and pat dry with a kitchen towel. It's best not to let the mushrooms soak in, as they can absorb water and become spongy.

Then comes the fatal stage: peeling. In fact, you don't need to peel mushrooms, especially if you're cooking them. However, if you are eating them raw, we recommend removing the skin for a better texture. To do this, gently pull the skin with a knife in parts, starting from the base of the hat and ending with its top.

All you have to do is cut the mushrooms into quarters, strips, brunoise or julienne depending on your preparation.

Note: It is better not to cook mushrooms in advance so that they retain maximum freshness.


At the table!

Finally the long awaited moment! Raw or cooked button mushrooms can be found in your favorite dishes:

  • Velvety and puree in your soups : this mushroom brings a woody note.
  • As a side dish in your savory pancakes , served with crème fraîche and parsley - this is a forest biscuit to die for!
  • In risotto: nothing like mushroom risotto for a tasty and satisfying meal. Feel free to associate this
  • mushroom with other dried mushrooms or fresh for a greater variety of flavors.
  • Stuff: Are Tomatoes Out of Season? So try stuffed mushrooms.
  • In your mixed: raw salads, champignon has a completely different taste. We advise you to decorate
  • the salad with lemon juice vinaigrette so that the mushroom remains perfectly white.
  • As an extra, you can also opt for the simplicity of pan-fried vegetable-related mushrooms to accompany a piece of meat and even fish.

Of course, there are a thousand and one ways to taste champignon, whether it is playing a supporting role or being the king of the plate. It remains the most loved in our hearts and on our plates!

