The host left the banquet and went to bed. Get up early tomorrow morning and go to the shore boat to worship the guests. When the master boarded the boat, he saw at a glance that the wolf in the cabin had seen this thing earlier. Eat one Jing way: "Is this the treasure of that one guest?"? I didn't mention it at the banquet yesterday. Don't you want to sell it? They all laughed and pointed out, "This is the treasure of my friend, Brother Wen." Have in one person lining: "It is sluggish goods again." The master looked at Wen Ruoxu and blushed with anger. "I've been with you for years," he complained. "How can you make fun of me?"? "What is the reason for teaching me to offend a new guest and bend a new seat to him?" Grabbing Wen Ruoxu, he said to the guests, "Wait a moment to deliver the goods. I'll go ashore and thank you for your sins." People don't know why. There were a few people who knew Wen Ruoxu well, and there were a few happy events. They felt a little strange. A total of more than ten people caught up and went back to the shop to see how it was. The master pulled Wen Ruoxu and straightened up the chair. No matter what was good or bad, he took the first one to sit down and said, "It's appropriate to offend someone. Please sit down." Wen Ruoxu was also confused. "If you don't believe this is a treasure," he thought, "can't you wait for such good fortune?" The host went in, came out in a moment, and arched the crowd to the place where they had eaten wine before, and set down several tables of wine earlier, the first table, more neat than before. Holding the lamp, he bowed to Wen Ruoxu and said to the others, "This justice deserves the first seat.". Every time you waste a shipment, you still can't get him to come. I was disrespectful before. When they saw it, they were amused and strange,collapsible pallet box, and half believing it or not, they sat down. After three cups of wine, the host opened his mouth and said, "I dare to ask the guest, is this treasure worth selling?" Wen Ruoxu, a good man, promised, "As long as there is a good price,secondary containment pallet, why not sell it?" When the master heard that he was willing to sell, he was overjoyed and beaming. "Sure enough," he said, "I'm willing to sell, but I dare not be stingy with the price." Wen Ruoxu actually doesn't know how much it's worth. If you ask for less, you're afraid you're not good at it; if you ask for more, you're afraid of laughing. After a moment's thought, he blushed and couldn't get a price. Ambassador Zhang and Wen Ruoxu winked, put their hands on the back of the chair, raised three fingers, and then curled the second finger in the air, saying, "Just ask him for these." Wen Ruoxu shook his head and pointed up and said, "I can't get these out here." Be seen by host however: "Fruit is how many price?" Zhang Da made a ghost and said, "According to Mr. Wen's gesture, collapsible pallet bin ,collapsible pallet box, I dare to ask for ten thousand miles!" Host ha ha laughs: "This is not to sell, coax me just.". Such treasures, more than this price! When they all heard this, they all stood up in a daze and pulled Wen Ruoxu to discuss it, saying, "Good fortune!"! Good fortune! Think it's worth a lot. We really don't know how to fix the price. Mr. Wen might as well open a big mouth and let him pay it back. If the text is empty, it is a shame to say it, and it will stop when it is said. "Don't be old-fashioned," they said. "What's the harm in telling the truth?" The host urged. Wen Ruoxu had to ask for fifty thousand taels. The host shook his head and said, "Sin, sin.". There is no such thing. Pulling up Zhang Dazhi, he asked him, "The old guests are coming and going overseas, and it's not the same thing.". People call you Zhang Shihuo, is there anyone who doesn't know this thing? "He must have had no intention of selling him. Don't be a peddler." Zhang Daodao: "To tell you the truth, this is my good friend, with the overseas play, so did not buy goods.". Appropriate this thing, it is the island that takes shelter from the wind, get accidentally, it is not bid buy, so this does not know the price. If he had the fifty thousand yuan, he would be satisfied with his rich life. "In that case," said the host, "if you want to be a big guarantor, you should thank him very much. You must not go back on your words." Then he asked the bartender to take out the four treasures of the study. The host family folded a piece of cotton paper for the bill and handed it to Zhang Daodao with a pen: "If you have a troublesome old guest, you can write a contract document to make a deal." Pointing to a fellow visitor, Zhang Da said, "This guest, Chu Zhongying, writes well." Give him a pen and paper. Chu Ke grinds the ink thick, unfolds the paper, picks up the pen to write: Set up a contract to discuss a leaflet and so on. Today, Wenshi, a guest from Suzhou, brought a big turtle shell from overseas and sent it to the Persian Mabaha store. He is willing to pay fifty thousand taels of silver to buy it. After the agreement was made, one company delivered the goods and the other made the payment, and each company had no regrets. Those who repent will be punished by one more contract. The contract is a license. On the same two pieces of paper, the year, month and day were written on the back, and Zhang Chengyun was written as the head, and a dozen or so guests were written in succession. Chu Zhongying wrote it because of her own pen. In front of the year, in the middle of the blank line, two pieces of paper were put together and a line was written on the seam, with the words "contract negotiation" on both sides. Write down "guest Wen Shi host Ma Bao Ha", each put a flower sign. The name on the list was written from the back, and it was written to Zhang Chengyun: "We bet more money,plastic pallet crates, so that this business can be done." "Don't dare to be light, don't dare to be light," said the host with a smile. 。
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